On June 1, 2021, the members of the Syndicate met up at Technoblade's cabin to celebrate his birthday. However, since Snowchester had not done anything with the nukes, the Syndicate accepted the self-defense excuse. This made the Syndicate extremely suspicious of Snowchester. Tubbo also showed the members of the Syndicate the nukes, and when the group asked why Tubbo would need nukes, Tubbo cited that it is simply for self-defense. Tubbo told them that Snowchester was not a country, but simply an isolationist and militaristic colony. Upon arriving at Snowchester, the group met up with Tubbo, who gave them a tour of Snowchester. This suspicion turned out to be correct Tommy had been revived by the time the meeting took place, but the Syndicate was unaware of this until Tommy left Pandora's Vault six days later.Īfter the events of the first meeting, the Syndicate set out to investigate Snowchester. All members (except for Ranboo) agreed that it was virtually impossible for him to die and that they were not convinced he was dead. Tommy's death: This fact was brought up by Ranboo.Niki confirmed his suspicions, and the members agreed that they would have to investigate if it was a government. Snowchester: Technoblade brought up rumors of a new nation forming in the snowy forest to the west of L'Manberg.Phil said that there is the possibility that the Syndicate would have to make an "omelette," referencing the new sub-faction "Pro-Omelette." Technoblade suggested talking to people not directly involved with the egg. The Egg and the Eggpire: Brought up by Phil, they discussed their preference against the Eggpire and their personal experiences with the egg.The meeting room is located in the stronghold under the ocean near Technoblade, Philza, and Ranboo's bases. During this meeting, Philza revealed the meeting room and its features like the meeting table (made out of an end portal that cannot be activated), the secret entrances and exits, the qualities of the room, and the ender pearl stasis chambers. The first meeting was held on March 6, 2021, and was attended by Technoblade, Philza, Ranboo, and Niki. Technoblade left her and said that he wasn't going to ask people for a while, as he thought Niki would be great and that he probably couldn't convince anyone else if he couldn't convince her. Niki said that the offer to join him in anarchy was tempting, but declined his offer because her goals were currently different from anarchist ideals. Upon meeting, the two spoke about anarchy, and Technoblade talked about how impressed he was because she burned L'Mantree. He began searching the ruins of L'Manberg when he received a message from Niki, inviting him to her city as she had heard he wanted to talk. Technoblade was tasked with finding members for their new faction. As a callback to the end of the Manberg vs Pogtopia War and Techno's speech on Theseus, the codenames generally are characters from Greek mythology. Įach member of The Syndicate is expected to choose a codename for themselves. The dog was codenamed " Apollo." Died to Awesamdude. Apollo: Technoblade said that one of his dogs that teleported to him just before the prison break was part of The Syndicate.Ranboo: Joined just before the first meeting, codenamed " Lethe." Was killed by Awesamdude on November 28, 2021.Died to DreamXD, but returned as a ghost. ConnorEatsPants: Joined after the prison break, no codename yet.Nihachu: Joined just before the first meeting, codenamed " Nemesis.".Technoblade has stated that he would rather not reveal his name until he feels comfortable. "Harpocrates": An unknown member who was not present for the first meeting of the Syndicate.Philza: One of the founders of the Syndicate, codenamed " Zephyrus.".Technoblade: One of the founders of the Syndicate, codenamed " Protesilaus." He is given the task of recruiting members for the Syndicate.